BitCoop - the cooperative society management app

BitCoop is the perfect app for managing your cooperative society. Keep track of your members, finances and operations with ease.

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Basic Features

iPhone app preferences selection screen
Savings and Loans

Automate the Savings and Loans Process

With Bitcoops, financial savings from members is being automated making it free from errors and members have their loans processed fast without delay or having to go through cumbersome loan processes.

Monthly Cooperative

Get Rid of the Monthly Cooperative Maintenance

Bitcoops makes it easy for cooperatives to operate without necessarily paying monthly maintenance fee.

iPhone app preferences selection screen
iPhone app preferences selection screen
Save Time and Money

Save Time and Money with BitCoop

You can give your team the freedom of mobility while increasing security, reliability, reducing IT costs and eliminating huge recurring expenses.


How BitCoop Works

We provide a dashboard for the admin and individual cooperators to get accurate record with graphical representations for easy interpretation and making business decisions.

iPhone app preferences selection screen
Additional Features

Be Smart With Your BitCoops


Use BitCoops to track your inflow and outflow and promote accountability, leveraging on your unit economics.


Be rest assured that your stocks your purchases are properly recorded and focus on running your business.


With our premium features, all your stores are accounted for. Let us treat you like the boss you are

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